Friday, October 30, 2015

Cars choking medical care

Debate over hospital parking charges for carers - BBC News: "The level of charges varies between hospital NHS trusts, but the average cost in England is £39 per week and in London it can be about £130 per week.
Labour MP Julie Cooper, who introduced the bill, says the charges are an "unfair burden" on carers.
She says she has cross-party support, but the government has not yet said whether it will back it.
The exemption would apply to NHS hospitals, walk-in centres, GP practices and private hospitals."

Resistanz ek Alternativ Advocates For Free Public Transport For All

islandcrisis : "The group explains that public transport is already free to 75 % of those who have resort to it. The employers could have a fund for the money they give to the employees in terms of the transport allocations. The State would then finance the rest via the surplus obtained by the Central Electricity Board, or via taxes paid for fuel. Such suggests Resistanz ek Alternativ; they believe that free public transport for all would reduce traffic jam as more people would be encouraged to take to buses, and at the same time, pollution would also be curbed."

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

TRANSPORTS PUBLICS URBAINS: Textes sur la gratuité "Comme le disait Albert Jacquard, en fait les automobilistes devraient remercier chaque jour les usagers des transports en commun pour toute la place qu’ils libèrent dans les rues et qui leur permet de ne pas être bloqués en permanence dans les embouteillages. En l’occurrence, ce remerciement des automobilistes devrait passer en toute logique par le financement des transports en commun par ces mêmes automobilistes."

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Godfrey Farrugia says road toll, free public transport would ease traffic congestion

The Malta Independent: "The culture of 1 car per person, problems with infrastructure and poor planning are all contributing towards heavy traffic flow, Dr Farrugia said.

He said that expecting the comforts of having one's car right outside the front door is no longer tenable.

Logistics is something the ministry for transport is without a doubt focusing on, said Dr Farrugia. The institute of climate change and of Malta said that in order to avoid traffic the first thing we must address is the issue of reliability of public transport. "

Monday, October 19, 2015

Oslo aims to make city center car-free within four years

Yahoo News: "OSLO (Reuters) - Cars will be banned from central Oslo by 2019 to help reduce pollution, local politicians said on Monday, in what they said would be the first comprehensive and permanent ban for a European capital."

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Free public transport proposal garners support

MaltaToday : "A proposal for the provision of free public transport services during peak hours has garnered more support. The Malta Developers Association are amongst those who voiced their agreement with providing free public transport during 6am and 9am and between 3.30am and 6pm."

Friday, October 16, 2015

Time to study option of free public transport during peak hours

MaltaToday : "As the country continues to face increasingly high congestion costs, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said it was time to study the option of providing free public transport services during peak hours."

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The case for free public transport (German)

DIE LINKE : "PLAN B konkret: Nulltarif im öffentlichen Nahverkehr
Unter dem Begriff Nulltarif verstehen wir ein Konzept, bei dem alle Menschen, ob Einwohner der Kommune oder Gäste, den öffentlichen Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV) voraussetzungslos nutzen können – ohne Fahrschein oder andere Formen der zu erwerbenden oder zu beantragenden Zugangsberechtigung. Auch wenn der Begriff oft anders verstanden wird: Wir verbinden damit ausdrücklich keine bestimmte Finanzierungsform, ob rein über Steuern oder auch mit Beiträgen. »Nulltarif« bringt vor allem zum Ausdruck, dass zur Nutzung des ÖPNV keine Tariftabellen mehr zu beachten sind. Es gilt einfach nur »Bitte "

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Dublin City Council plans car-free zone in city centre

BBC News: "Dublin City Council has proposed that cars be banned from key streets in a radical transport plan to make the city more cycle and pedestrian friendly."