Saturday, June 30, 2018

German cities to cut #publictransport fares

handelsblatt Five German cities plan to emulate an Austrian scheme to radically cut the cost of public transport in a bid to combat pollution. The German government will subsidize the project with €128 million ($148 million) to help cover the income shortfall from cheaper tickets.

Estonians to get free public transport

Free travel will initially start on county buses and eventually be extended to trains. Until train travel is free tickets for state-owned railways will be considerably cheaper.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Free public transport will be available nationwide in Estonia

Starting on 1 July 2018, Estonia’s entire public transport network will be free, meaning citizens can travel from one end of the country to the other with no charge.

This will be implemented across the whole country, excluding the capital, Tallinn, where the city’s buses, trams, trolley buses and trains are free for the residents only – a scheme deployed in 2013.

It is believed that the economic benefits, including increased business productivity, better air quality, less pollution, reduced congestion, health improvements and improved fuel efficiency, will outweigh the loss of earnings.

Without the need for ticket sales and inspections the efficiency of bus travel will increase dramatically, reducing the time spent stationary. This plan demonstrates Estonia’s strong commitment to encouraging public transport and securing sustainable mobility.

Friday, June 1, 2018

UK Labor leader promises #freepublictransport for under 25 y.o.

ICAEW Economia: "Cities in France and Germany are already considering such proposals, to reduce traffic and air pollution. And in the UK, Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn declared that he would introduce free bus travel for under-25s, to complement the passes already available to senior citizens."

World Leaders gather in Tallinn to plan free public transport

ftnnews : "Leaders from municipalities, researchers and civic activists from all over the world came to Tallinn from the 9-12 May to discuss free public transport."'