A l’occasion des deuxièmes rencontres internationales des transports publics gratuits à Châteauroux, la Coordination nationale des collectifs pour la gratuité des transports publics a lancé un appel pour interpeller et mobiliser dans la perspectives des prochaines élections municipales.https://reseau-gratuite-transports.org/?p=72
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Calais, France, starts #freepublictransport serving over 100,000 population
For some families, it is several tens of euros saved each month… As for the other advantage of this free service, it is obviously for the environment . People no longer pay to get around, so they don't hesitate to leave the car in the garage ! The Hauts-de-France region seems to really act for users ... Perhaps other French regions could follow the example of the ch'tis? The users would be better off and the Planet too!https://www.neozone.org/societe/calais-une-frequentation-en-hausse-de-70-depuis-la-gratuite-des-transports-en-commun/
Skopje, North Macedonia, #freepublictransport until air improves
Skopje has made public transport free and doubled parking fees to reduce pollution.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Ireland - People Before Profit launches bold plan including "immediate" #freepublictransport
SOLIDARITY-PEOPLE BEFORE Profit has pledged to introduce a free public transport system by tripling investment and subsidising journeys if it forms the next government.https://www.thejournal.ie/solidarity-people-before-profit-climate-manifesto-4984610-Jan2020/?
Launching its “Planet Before Profit” climate change manifesto today, the party said it would facilitate the plan by adding 500 electric buses every year at cost of €500 million.
People Before Profit in Ireland calls for #freepublictransport @pb4p
.@pb4p calling for free public transport #GE2020 pic.twitter.com/r5FW1wU14E
— Theo McDonald (@theocmcd12) January 29, 2020
Protester contre l’abondance des voitures
Déjà en 1972, des cyclistes manifestaient à Paris. « Pollution, oppression », « Les voitures, ça pue, ça tue », « Des vélos gratuits pour tous les Parisiens »… Voilà à quoi ressemblait une manifestation à vélo dans Paris en 1972 et à l’époque déjà, on réclamait des vélibs!
Déjà, dans les années 1970, les Parisiens s’insurgeaient contre la pollution de l’air et souhaitaient limiter la voiture en ville.http://carfree.fr/index.php/2020/01/29/protester-contre-labondance-des-voitures/
Monday, January 27, 2020
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Political group meets the public for #freepublictransport and other issues
A strong showing on Shop Street today.
— JoeLoughnanePBPGalway (@PbpJoe) January 25, 2020
-Free and frequent public transport
-Public housing on public land
-A universally accessible public healthcare system#publicservices https://t.co/yH3WcV3lKS
Netherlands choking on cars

Recent forecasts from the Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis have predicted significantly longer travel times for road traffic due to congestion. In five years, travel times for car traffic is expected to go up by roughly one third. Increased road capacity will not be able to accommodate the growth of traffic.https://www.eltis.org/mt/node/47800
Free and frequent
We need a free, frequent and reliable public transport system for ALL to reduce C02 emissions. None of the main parties including the Greens and Sinn Féin support this measure. #SystemChangeNotClimateChange #ClimateChange pic.twitter.com/cBMCpCs2cC
— Mick Barry TD (@MickBarryTD) January 25, 2020
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Ireland buzzing with talk of #freepublictransport
Friday, January 24, 2020
People want to live where conversation not drowned by traffic noise
...A strong Limerick city is built on strong social ties and communities. We need to build a city that prioritises social connection, that allows Limerick people interact with each other in a pleasant and healthy city centre. The best social places work when you interact with your community without realising you are doing so, where it is natural to share a conversation or a joke with a neighbour without worrying about traffic or noise.http://www.brianleddin.ie/2020/01/people-need-to-be-at-the-heart-of-urban-strategy/
Before we can start such an overhaul of our city centre, we need to decide on where and how the city will grow for the next generation. The city should not repeat the mistakes of other cities across Europe, which were allowed to sprawl without thought for the consequences of such sprawl. People want to live in strong vibrant communities and we know that unthinking sprawl has been detrimental to communities across Europe. It is hard to know your neighbour when you do not have the time to spend getting to know them because you spend too long in traffic or because your local street is an unpleasant place to stroll around. When we talk about Limerick city, we mean a city all of us calls and considers home, in the best sense. We can learn from other cities on how Limerick can build on its already strong communities into an even better city to live in....
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Cork TD calls for free and frequent public transport #freepublictransport
I am the only contender in the #CNC constituency calling for free, frequent and reliable public transport. Emissions from transport are a factor in fueling #ClimateChange. #GE2020 #Election2020https://t.co/QCwPHNlT5Q— Mick Barry TD (@MickBarryTD) January 23, 2020
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Switzerland -- a step toward #freepublictransport?
“Rytz’s plans are going in the right direction”: the first step towards free public transport?
The green idea of the 1000-franc GA travelcard for young people up to 25 years is well received even by ordinary people. National Councilor Cedric Wermuth, candidate for the SP Co-Presidium, is aiming for a system change in the medium term.https://www.en24.news/2020/02/regula-rytzs-plans-the-first-step-towards-free-swiss-public-transport.html
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Students in Romania to ride fare-free
Starting with the 2020-2021 school year, students will circulate free of charge based on the student booklet, endorsed by the school unit, meaning that the ministries involved will elaborate a draft normative act.https://www.edu.ro/ministerul-educa%C8%9Biei-%C8%99i-cercet%C4%83rii-%C3%AEi-sprijin%C4%83-pe-elevi-li-se-va-deconta-transportul
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Cars get unfair share of [expensive] public space
Let’s not start with cars, but let’s begin with public property, the public road. Traffic is a space issue: there are too many cars in the limited space of the road at a particular time of the day. Because cars clog up the roads, more efficient and more sociable modes of transport, such as buses and more environmentally-friendly modes of transport such as cycling are crowded out. Even where there are bus lanes, the needs of cars on the cramped roads interfere with the buses, playing havoc with timetables and undermining the service.
A good way to look at this issue is through the lens of property rights or the lack of them. Roads at rush hours are desired by drivers the same way houses with sea views are desired by home owners.https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/david-mcwilliams-introduce-a-congestion-charge-and-make-public-transport-free-1.4141971?
Thursday, January 16, 2020
South Yorkshire Freedom Riders call for #freepublictransport
The South Yorkshire Freedom Riders will next month present proposals to Sheffield City Region Mayor Dan Jarvis to create a ‘zero fares’ policy across the entire region.https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/traffic-and-travel/franchising-has-failed-us-all-south-yorkshire-freedom-riders-propose-zero-fare-bus-service-67271
Union of Students in Ireland calls for #freepublictransport for students
The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) has called on Ireland’s next government to remove the student contribution charge – at €3,000, the second-highest college fee in the EU – and advocated for free public transport for students, in its general election manifesto released this evening.http://www.universitytimes.ie/2020/01/in-election-manifesto-usi-calls-for-an-end-to-student-contribution/
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Another town in Poland, how many now? #freepublictransport
The residents of Krynica can already enjoy free bus journeys in Krynica. Until now, only seniors could use this facility. As mayor Piotr Ryba explained to us, the service is also available to tourists visiting the spa. A total of 5 buses are available to the local government.http://www.rdn.pl/news/darmowa-komunikacja-krynicy-dziala-dzis
City Center of Augsberg goes fare-free
From the beginning of 2020, buses and trams can be used for free in the center of Augsburg. This friendly gesture is intended to improve the air quality in the center of a Bavarian city of 300,000.https://www.dw.com/pl/prekursorzy-nowoczesnej-komunikacji-miejskiej-augsburg-i-luksemburg/a-51882532
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Prozor-Rama Municipality introduced free Public Transport
At the beginning of 2020, Prozor-Rama Municipality introduced free public transport for all its residents, and, as the only one in the country, including the wider region, solved the traffic congestion problem and reduced air pollution.
Assistant to Mayor of Prozor-Rama Josip Juricic, who is also one of the authors of this project, tells Klix.ba that the idea was actually imposed because of the needs of the residents of the area.http://www.sarajevotimes.com/prozor-rama-municipality-introduced-free-public-transport-for-all-its-residents/
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Waterford, Ireland, considering fare-free #publictransport
Many thanks to my fellow @WaterfordCounci Cllrs for supporting motion by Cllr Murphy & I to request Minister #Transport examine a National Pilot Project for #Waterford on #free #publictransport model to incentivise use above 1.9% & mitigate global warming carbon issues 💚👏 pic.twitter.com/X0JgZpXIlU
— Eddie Mulligan (@MulliganEddie) January 9, 2020
Komárno, Slovakia, starts fare-free public transport
The first town in Slovakia to implement free public transport for everyone is Komárno. It has been valid since the beginning of January 2020.
Public transport buses in Komárno are free not only for town inhabitants but also for tourists and visitors, the Sme daily reported.
Čítajte viac: https://spectator.sme.sk/c/22296514/free-public-transport-in-slovak-town.html
Bielsk Podlaski introduces free public transport
From Wednesday (01.01) public transport will be free for everyone. So unanimously decided city councilors at their last session this year. Residents are counting on savings and cleaner air.