This is obviously on a relatively small scale, but I've thought for a while universal free public transport should be an ambition for a socialist Government.
— George Walker 🌹 (@GRWalker97) February 29, 2020
Saturday, February 29, 2020
UK Labour Leader [Leeds] supports #freepublictransport
Thursday, February 27, 2020
UK Labour MP calls for #freepublictransport
Fantastic result!
— Zarah Sultana MP (@zarahsultana) February 27, 2020
In place of the third runway, let's fight for good, free and green public transport.
That's how we save the planet and rebuild the country 🙌🏽
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Citizens Assembly of Scotland supports #freepublictransport
Every business needs to comply with new eco-laws which serves the need of citizens first and foremost and that includes free, accessible public transport, an effective environmental tax system and the requirement for all new homes to be eco-homes that are accessible via government issued eco-mortgage issued at a preferential rate to support access to the housing ladder
EU votes billions of euros for fossil fuel infrastructure
Despite intense lobbying from climate activists, members of the European Parliament today voted to approve the Projects of Commons Interest (known as the PCI list) that will channel billions in EU funding into new fossil fuel infrastructure.
Energy projects on the 4th PCI list are eligible to receive up to 50% of funding from the EU through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Among the 151 projects included on the list, 55 new fossil gas projects have sparked the greatest backlash.
"This decision could unleash €24 billion in finance for climate-wrecking pipelines and €1.7 billion for new LNG (liquified natural gas) terminals, which eclipses the €7.5 billion of new resources due to be raised to tackle the climate crisis through the EU's plans for a 'Green Deal,'" said Clemence Dubois, campaigner at climate group
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Tallinn provides free public transport for 420,000 people
Tallinn is the largest city to offer free public transport so far. It has a population of 420,000, with a transport network consisting of five tram lines, eight trolley bus lines and 57 bus routes. Allan Alaküla, head of Tallinn’s EU office in Brussels, says public transport was made free in the city because of “social urgency”.
“Ticket costs became a major concern for public transport users in 2010 and 2011, according to annual public services satisfaction surveys,” he says. “In the context where public transport was subsidised already by around 73%, something different had to be undertaken.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Starting today -- #freepublictransport for students in Romania
The pupils enrolled in the compulsory education system, but also those at high schools and vocational schools, will be able to use the local public transport for free, according to new provisions of the Education Law adopted by the Senate on February 10, reported.
The overground, underground and naval forms of public transport, county wide and in between counties, by train or ship, are covered by the new provisions.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Dunkirk, France, ridership up, service expanded, with #freepublictransport
Free #public #transit in Dunkirk at #France is a step towards #sustainability! 🌱
— Dev Khanna (@jrzaranoid) February 9, 2020
CC @JJ_Angelus @ingridcapuni @CRudinschi @ShiCooks @Victoryabro @OphelieJanus @andrewmorrisuk @ClimateChangeOb @GabryL @JosephPrigith #Sustainable #ClimateEmergency #ActOnClimate
Via WasteEd
Friday, February 7, 2020
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Ghent, Belgium, #freepublictransport cheaper than road-building
Free mass transit also seems to be good for the local economy, despite fears to the contrary. Filip Watteeuw, deputy mayor of Ghent, said that since the provision of free public transport, there “has been a 17% increase in restaurant and bar startups, and the number of empty shops has been arrested”. Ghent’s plan cost just €4m (£3.4m) to implement. By comparison it costs an estimated £20m-£30m to build just one mile of motorway. The city also has significantly cleaner air – nitrogen oxide levels have dropped by 20% since 2017 – and there is an unexpected benefit of noise reduction: “Instead of car noise,” says Filip Watteeuw, deputy mayor, “people can now hear each other talking and children laughing.”
Scottish Socialist Party and People Before Profit canvassing together
Handful of us @The_SSP_ members out on the campaign trail w/ @pb4p this afternoon
— 📚📝 Luke Campbell 🚩✊🏼 (@chainuptheswing) February 5, 2020
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
UK levels of PM 2.5 exceed safe levels

The study by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) found that about 15 million people in the UK live in areas where average levels of PM2.5 – a tiny toxic particle that predominantly comes from vehicle emissions, wood burning and construction – exceeds guidelines set by the World Health Foundation.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Parties in Ireland call out Ireland Green Party for not supporting #freepublictransport
Over 120 cities globally have introduced free public transport. We need urgent action on climate change and this is one measure to tackle it. Solidarity-People Before Profit are the only party in the Dáil that supports this measure. #GE2020 #Election2020
— Mick Barry TD (@MickBarryTD) February 3, 2020
EU Health and Environmental Alliance calls for #freepublictransport
More walking and cycling as well as free public transport = good for #AirQuality, #ClimateAction and our health. #HealthyMobility
— Health and Environment Alliance (@HealthandEnv) February 3, 2020