Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Grand Views : Students say life in Vejle much different than life in Iowa

The Grand Views : Students say life in Vejle much different than life in Iowa: "Forbes Magazine declared Denmark the happiest country in the world in 2010.Therefore as the high tax rates are not opposed as they might be in Iowa where they pay 6 percent sales tax and, in an Iowan’s eyes, a whopping 24-28 percent income tax.
People may wonder how anyone can be so happy paying such a high tax rate, but as a result of the high taxes, they get a free college education, free public transportation and continued support from the government.

...In Denmark it is not very common for students to get a driver’s license. This is due to two main reasons. First, Denmark public transportation is easily accessible and free so they have no need to drive. And second, it costs the equivalent of $1,300, not a sum that many young adults can afford."