Thursday, January 21, 2010
We've Got Enough Roads Already
-That's so much asphalt that we could cover the entire territory of Switzerland with it.
-European roads claim the lives of 43.000 people every year, among them 1100 children.
-Every year, 1.3 million traffic accidents occur on European roads.
- In those accidents, every year 1.7 million people are injured.
-European roads are the cause of death for a half of all wild animals.
-EU car transport emissions of CO2 currently account for about 3,5% of total global CO2 emissions.
A car has really got to be something special for us to be ready to sacrifice so many people, destroy so much fertile soil, cut down so many forests, pollute the air and even finance all this. Something has got to be very wrong with us.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Free Public Transport in Southern Spain
Public transport between Almonte and El Rocio Matalascañas will remain free until 2011
The Town Hall in Almonte (Huelva) has just renewed the agreement with the company which serves the three neighboring villages of the municipality having the Consistory card enjoy free transportation to the service in 2011 connects Almonte, El Rocío and Huelva, from 06.45 to 22.00 pm in winter time and every two hours.
This is a municipal initiative that dates back four years and has achieved "very favorable public response, indicated from the Consistory, adding that the budget amounts to 175,000 euros. ...[Mayor Francisco Bella] also stressed the "serious bid" for public transport in the local community as it ensures "the movement between the three towns, reduces the environmental impact by lowering the use of private cars, it promotes economic trade and tourism and Above all, thousands of young people can move safely along a highway, the A-483, which gave serious problems in this area ".
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Response to my petition for free European public transit
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the Secretary-General, I am writing to you to acknowledge receipt of your petition forwarded by E-mail on 18.11.2009.
Your petition has been entered in the general register as Petition No. 1719-09 and I should be most grateful if you would use that reference number in my future correspondence.
Your petition has been forwarded to the Committee on Petitions which will, first of all, take a decision on its admissibility, i.e. on whether the subject of your petition falls within the sphere of activities of the European Union. If the committee declares it admissible, it will then examine the substance of your petition.
The committee on Petitions will write to you directly to inform you of its decision on admissibility.
If your petition is declared admissible, the aforementioned committee will examine it at a meeting open to the public in accordance with the provision of the European Parliaments internal Rules of Procedure.
May I draw your Attention to the fact that the procedure for the examination of a petition may be fairly lengthy, given the large number of petitions that we receive which have to be translated into all the official languages of the European Union and then examined by the Committee on Petitions.
Please address any further correspondence on this matter to the following address: Secretariat of the Committee on Petitions, European Parliament, rue Wiertz, B-1047 Brussels. Fax.: 0032/22846844.
Yours faithfully,
João Regalo Corrĕa
Head of Unit
Link for Submitting a petition
Sunday, January 3, 2010
One by one - "alternative energies" show their downside
A $60 million project to extract renewable energy from the hot bedrock deep beneath Basel, Switzerland, was shut down permanently on Thursday after a government study determined that earthquakes generated by the project were likely to do millions of dollars in damage each year. NYTimes