Monday, September 29, 2014

Barcelona - Stop Pujades

Free public transport yielded richer life "The study shows that young people find it easy to travel by public transport, they get richer social life, greater self-named and that parental stress decreases. It also means that young people have become more supportive of public transport than their parents, which may promote more sustainable travel in the long run.
For Söderhamns this means that young people have a more positive image of the municipality."

Saturday, September 20, 2014

International conference on free public transport - 6-November, Zory, Poland

Free public transport Zory U cowboys of BKM - "- Conferenceaddressed to the institutions and companies related to, among others, with wide-ranging discipline that is public transport. The aim of the conference is to disseminate knowledge on free public transport
in the cities, to discuss the possibilities and benefits of making it available to residents, as well as the exchange of experiences and to discuss issues of its operation - says Anna Ujma, advisor to the President for promotion culture and sport.

What is the plan for the conference? - These are of speakers, among others, of Estonia, the Netherlands,Polishand Italy, as well as a brief presentation of the Free buses for Urban Transport in Zory connected with the ride through the streets of the city and refreshments during the coffee break. Expected time of the conference is about 5 hours - adds Anna Ujma. their presence at the conference has already confirmed include authorities Tallinn, Prague, the Chinese city of Chengdu. See Also: For more information on free communication. [DISTRIBUTION and PHOTOS] Like us on Facebook and stay up to date with information! SEE ALSO: Free public transportation in Zory runs from 1 May 2014. [PHOTOS]

Cars Will Cook the Planet Absent Shift to Public Transportation

Scientific American: ""Transportation, driven by rapid growth in car use, has been the fastest-growing source of CO2 in the world," he continued. "While every part of the global economy needs to become greener, cleaning up the traffic jams in the world's cities offers the least pain and the most gain.""

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Stop Pujades inicia una nova onada de mobilitzacions per frenar la pujada de preus del transport public l'any que ve : "Més d'un centenar de persones han participat aquest dilluns al vespre a l'assemblea convocada per la plataforma Stop Pujades a l'estació de metro de la Sagrera per decidir quines accions emprenen l'últim trimestre de l'any per forçar la baixada de les tarifes del transport públic de cara al 2015."

For #carfree day, we should make public transport free

Radio Gorzów 95,6 fm » Radnym podoba się pomysł Rowerowego Gorzowa. Za rok 22 września komunikacja miejska za darmo?: "Chodzi o 22 września, czyli Światowy Dzień Bez Samochodu. Zdaniem członków inicjatywy Rowerowy Gorzów właśnie ten dzień powinien być dniem z darmową komunikacja miejską. Plusów takiego rozwiązania ma być kilka. M. in.  promocja transportu publicznego."

Monday, September 15, 2014

To cheer up, take the bus

The Independent: "Lead researcher Adam Martin told The Daily Telegraph: “One surprising finding was that commuters reported feeling better when travelling by public transport, compared to driving. You might think that things like disruption to services or crowds of commuters might have been a cause of considerable stress.

“But as buses and trains also give people time to relax, read, socialise and there is usually an associated walk to the bus stop or railway station, it appears to cheer people up.”"

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Moscow experience shows that building roads makes congestion worse

RBTH : "Between 1992 and 2010, the guiding principle for the Moscow city authorities' approach to traffic congestion was: There are too many cars, so we need to expand the road network, explains Konstantin Trofimenko, head of the transport studies center of the Higher School of Economics."

According to the Russian Traffic Police Directorate, as of 2014, there are 5.5 million vehicles registered in Moscow. Source: Getty Images / Fotobank
Source: Russia Beyond the Headlines -

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Scottish independence: An energy revolution?

Al Jazeera English: "Britain missed out on a £74 billion windfall in oil revenues in just six years, from 2002 till 2008, compared to Norway's fiscal regime. An independent Scotland could choose not to concede to the corporate lobby, and replicate the Norwegian ownership and tax model."

Scrapping free bus passes for older people would 'cost over £1.7bn a year' | Society | The Guardian

The Guardian: "Study finds that for every £1 spent on the bus pass, more than £2.87 of benefits for society and wider economy were generated"

Saturday, September 6, 2014

UK pensioners: "What we don't spend on buses, we spend in the shops."

Free bus passes under threat and the pensioners who are fighting back | Money | The Guardian: "He says: “On your way you’re spending money on B&Bs, food and drink and putting money into the local economy. So when people say we don’t like retired tourists gallivanting on the bus pass for free, they ought to think again. What they aren’t spending on local buses, they’re spending in the local shops.”"

Będą dyskutować o bezpłatnej komunikacji miejskiej "- 6 listopada w Żorach odbędzie się międzynarodowa konferencja poświęcona Bezpłatnej Komunikacji Miejskiej."

Friday, September 5, 2014


HOĆU NAZAD SVOJE PRAVO NA ČISTO OKRUŽENJE, SLOBODU KRETANJA I SLOBODAN JAVNI PREVOZ!: "Mi se zalažemo za uvođenje 100% subvencionisanog, ili za korisnike besplatnog javnog prevoza.
Naše analize pokazuju da potpunim ukidanjem sistema naplate karata i direktnim uplatama privrednih subjekata u budžet za javni prevoz možemo uštedeti oko 20 miliona evra i na taj način već sutra dobiti 100% subvencionisan javni prevoz.
Sektor transporta u Srbiji i svetu je odgovoran za 30% svog zagađenja gasovima koji stvaraju efekat staklene bašte i drugim visokotoksičnim materijama koje su proizvod sagorevanja fosilnih goriva. Sektor transporta je odgovoran i za potrošnju 1/3 fosilnih goriva. Osim toga sektor transporta je odgovoran i za ogromno zagađenje bukom čije posledice još nisu dovoljno proučene. Troškovi automobilskog zagađenja koji su socijalizovani, prema Drezdenskom institutu za ekologiju saobraćaja, se procenjuju na oko 750 evra godišnje po glavi stanovnika EU. Imajući u vidu da je Beograd jedan od najzagađenijih gradova u Evropi i najzagađeniji gradova u ovom delu Evrope, starost automobila i kvalitet goriva, ovi troškovi su i mnogo veći. Sektor transporta je jedan od najodgovornijih za ovo zagađenje.Neke studije urađene na Saobraćajnom fakultetu u Beogradu ukazuju na to da su godišnji troškovi automobilske nekulture između 1.5 - 3 milijarde evra.
Jedan od glavnih ciljeva naše kampanje, pored stvaranja svima dostupnog javnog prevoza, je upravo to - smanjenje zagađenja i stvaranje održivog načina transporta, kao jednog dela naše vizije stvaranja samoodrživih, ekološki odgovornih, energetski racionalnih, ekonomski stabilnijih i socijalno pravednijih zajednica pokretanih na obnovljive izvore energija.
Troškovi rada i održavanja javnog prevoza u Beogradu su oko 150 milona evra godišnje. Od toga preko 80% dolazi kroz subvencije iz gradskog budžeta, koji mi građani punimo plaćanjem poreza, taksi i ostalih dadžbina. I pored te činjenice, ako uporedimo stvarne prihode građana (70% ima prihode između 150 - 300 evra) i cenu karata, mi imamo jednu od najskupljih karata u Evropi. Samo u poslednje 3 godine cena karata je skočila za oko 150%, dok je cena energenata u isto vreme skočila za samo 40%. Većina građana tu cenu ne može da plati, a naročito nezaposleni, studenti, đaci i svi oni koji imaju minimalne mesečne prihode. Time je ovim kategorijama ljudi ograničena sloboda kretanja i neposredno ograničen pristup uslugama koje spadaju u osnovne ljudske potrebe i prava (pravo na obrazovanje, zdravstvene usluge, zapošljavanje itd). Oni koji mogu da plate preskupe karte preferiraju da koriste automobile jer im je jeftiniji, komforniji i pouzdaniji način transporta.
Iako je kvalitet javnog prevoza sve gori (200 novih autobusa je kupljeno kroz kredit koji otplaćuju građani iz budžeta) troškovi rada javnog prevoza i procenat kojim se subvencioniše javni prevoz su se od uvođenja privatnog monopola na prodaju karata u javnom prevozu drastično povećali. Analizom poslovanja na osnovu dostupnih podataka utvrdili smo da ne postoji ekonomska opravdanost uvođenja elektronskog sistema naplate karata "Bus Plus" kojim je jednom novoosnovanom "konzorcijumu" registrovanom za marketing, na blago rečeno sumnjivom tenderu, dat monopol na prodaju karata u javnom prevozu.
Od 'bus-plusa' korist ima samo nekolicina tajkuna i političara, a od slobodnog i kvalitetnog javnog prevoza korist možemo imati svi. Na javnom prevozu ne možemo da zaradimo, ali možemo mnogo da uštedimo i napravimo korak u ka pravednijim, humanijim, zdravijim i održivijim zajednicama visoko svesnih i savesnih ljudi."

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Will Wroclaw, Poland be next large city with #freetransit

Radio Wrocław: "Zamiast olimpiady sportów nie wiadomo jakich i zdjęć Marilyn Monroe trzeba inwestować w komunikację miejską - przekonywała kandydatka na prezydenta Wrocławia Mirosława Stachowiak-Różecka. Przedstawiając po raz pierwszy swój pomysł na wybory mówiła, że obecne MPK to źle zarządzany bankrut. - Deklaruję, że już za rok, jeżeli ja zostanę prezydentem, nasze dzieci pojadą 1 września do szkoły bezpłatną komunikacją miejską. To jest możliwe - przekonywała: 


Monday, September 1, 2014

Traveling on public transport in Athens gets cheaper "Commuters will pay 20 cents less for tickets allowing them to use all modes of public transportation in Athens as of Monday, though they will be valid for 70 minutes rather than 90 as was the case previously."