Thursday, December 30, 2010

Carfree Cities: Italiano

Carfree Cities: Italiano: "I paesi industrializzati hanno compiuto un terribile errore quando hanno stabilito che l'automobile è il migliore mezzo di trasporto in città. L'automobile ha portato con sé gravi conseguenze impreviste per la vita urbana ed è diventata una seria causa per i problemi ambientali, sociali ed estetici nella città. L'automobile in città:

  • Amazza la vita delle strade
  • Danneggia la vita sociale
  • Isola le persone
  • Incoraggia la crescita della periferia urbana
  • Minaccia gli altri utenti della strada
  • Disturba la gente con il suo rumore
  • Inquina
  • Fa strage di migliaia di vittime ogni anno
  • Favorisce l'effetto serra
  • Spreca l'energia e le risorse naturali
  • Impoverisce le nazioni

La sfida è di eliminare l'automobile e qualsiasi mezzo privato destinato al trasporto di merci dalla città e allo stesso tempo migliorare e ridurre i costi della mobilità."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let us face facts. The auto-system does not work.

Cyclists killed in head-on collision in Italy · "ONE MAN HAS BEEN ARRESTED in Italy after the car he was driving struck a group of cyclists head-on, killing at least seven of them."

Monday, November 29, 2010

Belarus candidate for free public transport

Ramanchuk promises higher pay, less government regulation | БЕЛОРУССКИЕ НОВОСТИ: "The United Civic Party's presidential nominee criticized the government for too low wages for doctors and school teachers and compulsory job assignments for university graduates in his second and final radio address to the voters broadcast early on Monday.

The economist pledged to increase retirement benefits to 43 percent of the average monthly wage, raise the average pay of young professionals to $400 and of physical education teachers at schools and coaches at junior sports centers to $500, as well as secure fare-free public transport services for retirees and university students as early as next year."

Friday, November 12, 2010

The skies over Europe won't be cleaned by electric cars but only by a well-regulated free public transport.

I was following a debate of the German parliament about electro mobility in the 21st century. Judging by their speeches, 99% of the speakers talked about electric cars while only 1% about public transit. At the same time, the news ticker on the bottom of the screen said that German Transport Minister Ramsauer wants to cut budget for railroads.

Pure coincidence? Certainly not. Lobbying for the benefit of electric cars is under way and not just in Germany. Euphoria and conviction that only electric cars can save us from further air pollution is spreading all over Europe.

Where would the electricity come from? Nuclear power plants, of course. Is this coincidence, too? Not at all. Everything is agreed upon in advance and then confirmed in the parliament by majority. The public is of course excluded from these important decisions because it could negatively impact such agreements.

What about the environment and health of people? Politics is not interested in that. What interests politics are taxes and cash-loaded treasury.

The future lies in a society that will succeed in putting social and environmental interests before personal gain. EU has not this goal therefore her stars keep fading away.

Sunday, November 7, 2010 - Report card sounds warning bell for Arctic - News about the European Union - Report card sounds warning bell for Arctic - News about the European Union: "An international group of environmental experts is waving another red flag as new research from the Arctic region shows that the area is not getting any relief from climate change, which is impacting not only the ecosystems and the lives of creatures living there but also the weather patterns in the most populated parts of the northern Hemisphere. The findings are presented in the 'Arctic Report Card', an annual review of the conditions up north."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Προτείνουμε να έχουμε αστικές συγκοινωνίες ΧΩΡΙΣ ΕΙΣΙΤΗΡΙΟ, ελεγκτές, εκδοτήρια κλπ.
Έτσι κι αλλιώς πληρώνουμε σήμερα το κόστος των ΜΜΜ τόσο μέσω εισιτηρίων όσο και μέσω του προ-υπολογισμού λόγω χρηματοδότησης των ελλειμμάτων τους. TO ΙΔΙΟ ΕΙΝΑΙ, σε τελευταία ανάλυση και δικαιότερο, για επιβαρύνονται περισσότερο τα υψηλά εισοδήματα.
Προωθούμε έτσι και την χρήση των ΜΜΜ.
Τι φοβόμαστε άραγε;
Θα αρχίσουν όλοι να ξημεροβραδιάζονται στο Κολιάτσου-Παγκράτι για να επωφεληθούν που θα είναι τζάμπα;

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Money spent on Pope visit should be used for free public transport for unemployed instead

A Spanish public transport union announced Wednesday a one-day strike to coincide with the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Barcelona next month to protest public spending on the trip.

The pope is to visit the city, capital of the northeastern region of Catalonia, on November 7 to consecrate the famous Sagrada Familia cathedral, a world heritage site.

The public transport section of the CGT union said it "is calling a strike against the spending of public money during the visit of the pope."

This money should instead fund free public transport for the Catalan unemployed, it said in a statement.

The 24-hour strike was called for November 7, the same day of the pope's visit.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Młodzi Socjaliści :: Lewica. Demokracja. Socjalizm.

22 września to Europejski Dzień Bez Samochodu, który wieńczy Tydzień Zrównoważonego Transportu. Obchodzony od 2002 roku, ma promować środki transportu alternatywne wobec prywatnych samochodów i kształtować postawy przyjazne środowisku

Uważamy, że Europejski Dzień Bez Samochodu to słuszna inicjatywa. Aktywnie włączamy się w jego obchody, poprzez akcje informacyjne w Gdańsku i Olsztynie. Zdajemy sobie jednak sprawę, że aby efektem nie było jednorazowe zmniejszenie się korków i emitowanych spalin, podejmowane działania też nie mogą być jednorazowe. Dlatego postulujemy trwałe, aktywne działania na rzecz usprawnienia komunikacji publicznej i poprawiania sytuacji rowerzystów. Aby powstała realna alternatywa dla używania prywatnych samochodów, potrzebne są regularne działania, których celem musi być stworzenie powszechnie dostępnej, bezpłatnej sieci komunikacji publicznej.

Młodzi Socjaliści :: Lewica. Demokracja. Socjalizm>.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Berlin rides for free! � Free Public Transport – Blog

Berlin rides for free! � Free Public Transport – Blog: "The “Berlin f�hrt frei” campaign puts its action in the context of the global action day for climate justice. From 5 o’clock on Tuesday afternoon humorous small theatre performances and various information material enlivened the Berlin subway lines and stations and many passengers. The aim and focus of the action were to criticize the impact of private motorised transport on the one hand and the motivate a change to solidaristically, democratically organised free public transport that is not based on economic growth on the other."

Friday, October 8, 2010

Stuttgart 21 – mehr als nur ein Bauprotest

Ich wollte mich eigentlich in dieses Konflikt zwischen den Befürworter und den Gegner des Projekts Stuttgart 21 nicht äußern, aber mich hat ein Satz in deutschem Parlament sehr zum Denken gegeben. Einer der Befürworter dieses Projektes (von CDU oder FDP, ich weiß nicht mehr wer, denn alle haben den gleichen copy/past Text geredet) hat nämlich gesagt, dass es unannehmbar ist, dass sich Menschen (Demonstranten) über die Beschlüsse des Parlaments erheben können. Wer hat in einer Demokratie das sagen? Politik, Kapital oder das Volk? Offensichtlich nicht das Volk.

So frage ich mich wie können sich Menschen noch wehren, wenn es doch zunehmend sichtbarer ist, dass sich ein Teil der Politik allem Anschein nach mit dem Kapital vermählt hat. Sollten die Gegner dieses Projekts nur friedlich demonstrieren und wie brave Bürger zusehen wie ihre urbane Umwelt zerstört wird. Was denken sich eigentlich die Politiker und der Kapital, dass sie alles durch zwingen können was sie sich vorgenommen haben? Wenn nötig auch mit Gewalt? Und wie wird das alles bezahlt? Erneut mit Bankkrediten? Mit neuer Staatsverschuldung? Und wer bitte wird die mit der Zeit ansteigende Kosten bezahlen? Richtig geraten! Wie der brave und immer stille Steuerzahler:
- der schon jetzt immer weniger Lohn für mehr Arbeit bekommt,
- der immer härteren Arbeitsbedingungen ausgesetzt ist,
- der immer länger arbeiten muss,
- der um seine schon erworbene Sozialrechte immer wieder kämpfen muss,
- der um seine Arbeitslosenunterstützung bangen muss,
- der sein Job verloren hat oder ihm bald wird,
- der nicht einmall seine Rente erleben wird,
- der seine Gesundheit wegen Geldmangel aufs Spiel setzen muss,
- und alle die die schlechter und schlechter leben, weil die Politik nicht imstande ist weiterhin einen gerechten Sozialstaat aufrechtzuerhalten. Nicht imstande ist die Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts zu bewältigen.

Diese und alle andere in der letzten Zeit austragende Proteste gegen die Regierung sind viel mehr als nur eine Demonstration gegen dieses Bauprojekt. Sie vermitteln uns allen:
- dass die Menschen nicht mehr bereit sind alles hinzunehmen was die Politik und Kapital in ihren Namen entscheiden,
- dass die Menschen nicht mehr bereit sind sich weiterhin leere Versprechungen anzuhören,
- dass die Menschen nicht mehr bereit sind das ihnen aus der Tasche geklaut wird um leere Staatskasse zu fühlen
- dass die Menschen nicht mehr bereit sind sich mit einer Politik zu identifizieren die eigene Wege geht,
- dass die Menschen nicht mehr bereit sind Gier und Hochnäsigkeit der Banken zu dulden und dann für ihre Spielerei immer wieder zur Kasse gebeten werden,
- dass die Menschen nicht mehr bereit sind zuzusehen wie sich die Minderheit auf Kosten der Mehrheit bereichert
- dass die Menschen nicht mehr bereit sind zuzusehen wie auf Kosten der Umwelt die Natur zerstört wird,
- dass die Menschen nicht mehr bereit sind Kernkraftwerke und Anhäufung von hoch radioaktiven atomaren Mühl zu dulden,
- dass die Menschen nicht mehr bereit sind ein Wirtschaftswachstum zu fördern der mehr schadet als nützt,
- dass die Menschen nicht mehr bereit sind in einer Welt zu leben, wo die Zivilgesellschaft immer weniger zu sagen hat.
Und dass gilt nicht nur für Deutschland. Die ganze Welt steht vor einen nie dagewesenen Gesellschaftswandel bedingt durch den Klimawandel, Umweltverschmutzung, Übervölkerung, Rohstoffknappheit, steigender sozialer Ungerechtigkeit und den verlangen eine anpassungsfähige und bessere Welt zu erbauen.

Warum gegen solches Bauprojekt

Weil beim diesem und ähnlich Projekten und Vorhaben in letzter Zeit in Europa und auch Weltweit nicht darum geht etwas Nützliches für die Menscheit und die Umwelt zu tun, sonder, es geht einzig und alein um zu verdienen. Das Kapital will Profit und die Politik die Macht. Um das get es und nicht anderem. Und wen sie sich die beiden zussamentun, dan leidet die Gesellschaft und die Umwelt. Dann leidet die ganze Welt. Wenn es nicht so wäre, dan werden sie anders handeln und selber

für einen kostenlosen europäischen öffentlichen Straße-Schiene-Verkehr werben und ihn fördern.

Europa braucht dringend ein schnelles und gut funktionierendes Schienenwerker, aber nicht solches der von Mehrheit bezalt und von der Minderheit abkassiert wird. Ich bin für einen kostenlosen europäischen öffentlichen Straße-Schiene-Verkehr. Ein zukunftsorientiertes nützliches Projekt der Europa einen nie da gewesenen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung bringen könnte. Ein Aufschwung mit Vorteilen für uns und die Umwelt. Ein Verkehrsprojekt den die Europäer unterstützen werden.
Ich habe schon ein Schreiben (Petition) an EU Parlament geschickt, aber er war leider abgelehnt. Zu ambitiös für die, von dennen wir eigentlich solche ambitiöse Projekte mit recht erwarteten. Uns vorschlagen und vorlegen.

Alle für einen kostenlosen europäischen öffentlichen Straße-Schiene-Verkehrsprojekt der Superlative

Wir alle müssen beginnen als Europäer zu denken und handeln. Nur so können wir etwas Sinnvolles erschaffen. Nur jeder für sich und keiner für die Gemeinschaft bringt in heutigen globalen Welt nicht anderes als schaden.
Wir müssen ein neues, dem 21. Jahrhundert anpasendes, Europa aufbauen. Beginnen wir es mit dem erbau des gesmt europäischen Straße-Schiene Netzwerks. Mit einen Projekt der Zukunft hat.

Europa kann es schaffen. Europa muss es schaffen. Europa wird es schaffen.

Friday, October 1, 2010

We need free public transport

We must move towards free public transport simply because they can not solve climate problems, problems related to the depletion of oil resources and the problems of congestion of our roads and our cities without passing through there.
Collectif Vélorution de Caen et alentours

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Expensive, Unhealthy, Destructive – But Still Here. Why?

Expensive, Unhealthy, Destructive – But Still Here. Why?
The World Health Organisation (WHO), in its Global Status Report on Road Safety, 2009, predicts that deaths in road traffic will increase from 1.2 million per year (the ninth biggest cause) now to 2.4 million per year (the fifth biggest cause) in 2030. In 2007, road accidents cost the UK’s National Health Service £470m a year and the UK economy £8bn a year; all money that could have been better spent.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Umsonst durch die Stadt

Viele Großstädte ersticken buchstäblich im Verkehr. Eine stärkere Nutzung von Bus, Tram, U- und S-Bahn könnte da Wunder wirken. Doch die sind so manchem zu teuer. In Paris, Berlin und anderswo wollen linke und Umweltgruppen deshalb die kostenlose Nutzung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel durchsetzen.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Many towns in Poland offering free public transport today

114 Polish towns and cities are officially taking part in No Car Day, with many councils providing free public transport today. Car owners who present a valid vehicle registration document will be allowed free travel Warsaw’s public transport.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A gdyby transport był bezpłatny?

Kolejne miasta w świecie eksperymentują z darmową komunikacją miejską – i to im się opłaca.

Są takie dni w roku, kiedy nie sposób bez wstrętu wyjść na ulice mojego miasta. Panuje kiepska widoczność, smród drażni nosy przechodniów, smog unosi się w powietrzu, a do tego korki na ulicach, hałas i chodniki zablokowane przez parkujące na nich samochody. Władze miasta dostrzegają problem i proponują budowę nowych dróg oraz podziemnych parkingów. Z pieniędzy podatników powstają zatem udogodnienia dla indywidualnych użytkowników dróg, co zachęca do zakupu większej liczby aut. Po pewnym czasie zaczyna brakować dla nich miejsca i konieczne są nowe inwestycje drogowe.

A gdyby tak podjąć próbę uwolnienia się od zmory korków oferując wszystkim bezpłatne przejazdy autobusami i tramwajami, a w przyszłości także pociągami? Wszakże wszyscy płacimy na transport publiczny i utrzymanie dróg z naszych podatków, a oprócz tego kupujemy bilety, by móc korzystać z tramwajów, autobusów i pociągów. To chyba niezbyt uczciwe, że płacimy dwa razy za tę samą usługę? Dodajmy, że większość naszych podróży to dojazdy do pracy lub szkoły, ewentualnie na zakupy, a podróże rekreacyjne stanowią zdecydowaną mniejszość. Głównymi beneficjentami transportu publicznego są zatem przedsiębiorcy i sieci handlowe.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Russian thugs enforce highway building

Global action day � Химкинские заложники: "The campaign to save the Khimki Forest has been going on for the past three years. The authorities had decided to build a segment of a planned Moscow–Saint Petersburg toll highway, the first of its kind in Russia, through the forest."
The force of the auto and sprawl is too strong to oppose directly. The only thing stronger than the auto is a fare-free bus.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nuova Mobilità | Il Diario Italiano del Trasporto Sostenibile

Nuova Mobilità | Il Diario Italiano del Trasporto Sostenibile:
  • le politiche dei trasporti che puntino a creare città più vivibili devono avere il coraggio di competere con successo con la proprietà privata dell’automobile;
  • vedere lo stile di vita automobile come il nostro principale concorrente allarga e arricchisce il nostro orizzonte di possibilità e politiche;
  • immaginare un eccellento servizio di mobilità indipendente dal possesso di un’automobile stimola una riflessione critica sulle soluzioni basate sulla proprietà privata della medesima.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Istanbul - Free public transport to relieve holiday congestion

Istanbul’s public transportation, highways and bridges will be free to all throughout the Şeker Bayram holiday. The free rides commenced Wednesday at midnight and will continue through midnight Saturday.

The free public transportation is aimed at alleviating holiday traffic, the Anatolia news agency reported. Hurriyet Daily News

Monday, September 6, 2010

10/16 UK Campaign For Free Public Transport Inaugural Conference | Transport Workers Solidarity Committee

10/16 UK Campaign For Free Public Transport Inaugural Conference | Transport Workers Solidarity Committee: "CAMPAIGN FOR FREE PUBLIC TRANSPORT
Saturday 16th October 2010
11.00am to 5.00pm


Supporters of our campaign need to put this date down in their diaries now, and do their utmost to get there on the day, ideally along with a delegation from their union branch, workplace, college, school or local community group.

We need to get the largest possible turnout from across the length and breadth of Britain, from all over Scotland, England and Wales and not just from a few big cities like London, Birmingham, Manchester & Glasgow."

Monday, August 30, 2010

Libourne va être la 13ème ville à adopter les transports gratuits

La ville de Libourne (Gironde) s’apprête à lancer samedi la gratuité totale de son réseau de bus pour ses habitants, rejoignant avec ce dispositif 12 autres villes françaises ayant fait le même choix, a indiqué la mairie dans un communiqué.

« Le réseau Libus était déjà gratuit pour les moins de 18 ans depuis le 1er janvier 2009; cette gratuité sera étendue à l’ensemble des Libournais samedi 28 août 2010″, selon ce communiqué.

« Grâce à ce dispositif, on pense passer dès la première année de 350.000 à au moins 400.000 voyages », explique Michel Lalanne-Dasque, directeur de la Société des transports libournais.

La gratuité des bus publics constituait, selon la mairie, « une des promesses phares de Gilbert Mitterrand (maire socialiste de Libourne depuis 1989, ndlr), lors des élections de 2008″.

Son coût sera pris en charge par le prélèvement transports auprès des entreprises de plus de neuf salariés, qui était auparavant consacré aux travaux de voirie.

Ville de 24.000 habitants, Libourne, sous-préfecture de la Gironde, rejoint 12 villes françaises, comme Compiègne (Oise), Châteauroux (Indre) et Aubagne (Bouches-du-Rhône), qui pratiquent la gratuité des bus publics.

Et parce qu’une bonne nouvelle n’arrive jamais seule, Libus se dote depuis le 1er juillet de nouvelles lignes et les bus ont adopté un nouveau look, aux couleurs du logo que les libournais ont élu! En outre, un tirage au sort est organisé pour tous ceux qui prendront leur carte gratuite Libus avec deux vélos à assistance électrique à gagner. AFP via CarfreeFrance

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Riga City Council approves free public transportation for unemployed pensioners

The Riga City Council today decided that unemployed retirees as well as visually and hearing impaired persons and those who worked to contain the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster would be able to use Riga public transportation free of charge. baltic-course

Sunday, August 22, 2010

New wildfires break out in Russia -

New wildfires break out in Russia - "MOSCOW, Aug. 22 (UPI) -- More than 200 wildfires engulfing nearly 16,000 acres burned across European Russia Sunday, officials say.

Firefighters have extinguished 122 blazes, but 86 new fires have broken out, RIA Novosti said Sunday.

A record-setting heat wave and a severe drought has enveloped much of the country since mid-June, making the countryside particularly susceptible to wildfires, Russia's Emergencies Ministry said.

Twenty peat bog fires are among the areas still burning, officials said."

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sweden - Permafrost melt releasing mercury

The study finds, "there is a very real potential that a substantial amount of mercury, and other organically bound and stored contaminants, might be released into arctic and sub-arctic surface waters from thawing permafrost."

Friday, August 6, 2010

Germany Imagines Suburbs Without Cars -

Germany Imagines Suburbs Without Cars - "VAUBAN, Germany — Residents of this upscale community are suburban pioneers, going where few soccer moms or commuting executives have ever gone before: they have given up their cars."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Russian Patriarch prays for rain as wildfires rage | Reuters

Russian Patriarch prays for rain as wildfires rage | Reuters: "(Reuters) - Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill asked Russians to pray for rain on Sunday as wildfires raged across the European parts of the vast country, sweltering since June in an unprecedented heatwave.

The hottest weather since records began 130 years ago has withered crops and pushed thousands of farmers to the verge of bankruptcy."

Thursday, July 22, 2010

At Any Cost? The hidden costs of charging for public transport | World Streets / Open Edition

At Any Cost? The hidden costs of charging for public transport | World Streets / Open Edition: "In this article I have shown that over 45 million € per year is wasted on the fare-system in the public transport in Stockholm, and this is not counting negative externalities such as queues, more people driving cars, unsatisfied costumers, violence, etc. 45 million € is around 10 percent of the total income from selling tickets in Stockholm, but that is obviously “not even worth counting” according to the public transport operator. Talk about disrespect for how they use the commuters hard-earned money!"

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Humans racing toward extinction

Russians and Their Crops Wilt Under Heat Wave - "MOSCOW — A blistering heat wave has made life miserable for millions in Russia and northeastern Europe, few of whom have air conditioners, and destroyed millions of acres of Russian wheat, setting back an agricultural revival that was just reaching its stride after years of faltering efforts.

The heat has been besting decades-old records here. At 92.5 degrees Fahrenheit, Friday was the hottest July 16 ever in Moscow, topping the record set in the summer of 1938. It was even hotter on Saturday, at 95, though not a record, and temperatures were expected to remain in that range for the rest of the week."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Budapest - Mayoral candidate wants free public transport

Socialist candidate Csaba Horvath (second from left) has campaigned with the introduction of free public transportation, which he calls the “green perspective,” which would also include the so-called “traffic tax,” and bicycle lane construction. Budapestreport

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Right of mobility - Free Public Transport provides it

The motto governing public transport policy in the city of Hasselt in the east of Belgium is: “The city guarantees the right of mobility for everyone.”

Hasselt has embarked on a bold experiment, now entering its second decade, which is a model to other cities in Europe: free public transport for everyone in the city.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Public transportation free of charge June 23-24 in Riga :: LIVE RīGA

Public transportation free of charge June 23-24 in Riga :: LIVE RīGA: "During the Midsummer holidays, official days off in Latvia June 23 and June 24, Riga’s public transportation company will carry passengers free of charge."

Friday, June 18, 2010

Transit advocate takes on child-hating trolls

Mickinlondon, how will making countless millions of free public transport journeys every year cost money not affect fares in general?
Kevin T, Beckenham, Kent.

Well Kevin; the buses run to time tables etc, if they are full or empty; it matters not; they still run to time tables etc.

By many children going by bus; this reduces mothers driving them to school in cars etc; but I agree not all etc.

School hours differ from adult working hours; hence at school time periods, many buses run empty etc.

Its much the same with old people; they tend to use buses out of rush hour etc, and mostly mid day periods etc.

So you see the running costs of empty buses, is much the same running cost as full buses etc; this leaves the cost issue of using buses to their max capacity and cost, and very debatable as to the reason for fare rises etc.

One thing is for sure; with or without children and the old getting free rides; your fares will increase anyway, due to other costs involved; much like fares are increased on trains etc, without children or the aged using them free etc.

I drove a bus once; and you would be surprised at how often they run empty, but I still got paid the full wage etc, and the bus still used fuel etc, that is a fact; Kevin.

So free bus rides for some; are a red herring when it comes to fare increases etc.

- mickinlondon, london, 18/06/2010 14:28 Evening Standard

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sevastopol, Russia, Campaign for Free Public Transport

May 29 picket Square Povstantsiv Crimean group "Autonomous Action" launched a campaign "FOR FREE PUBLIC TRANSPORT. Carrying picket was timed to the intention of the city authorities to raise fares on public transport, in particular to raise fares in the city trolley with the current tariff 75 kopecks to 1 hryvnia. About these intentions deputy chairman of City Administration Igor Loktionov...
...We declare that our campaign will continue.Taxes that are lined with people and without that - a heavy tribute to the officials. Now they want to make our lives more difficult, increasing under fictitious pretexts fare. "Autonomous Action - Crimea" categorically in favor of preventing price increases in public transport, as well as against the appointment of the Director of SOE Sevelektroavtotrans "monopoly trucking in Sevastopol. Public transport is called the public that it provides the basic needs of society.Therefore, it should not be regarded as a way to profit. Public transport should be cheap, but in an ideal - free of charge....

Read and

Monday, May 24, 2010

All benefit -- make it fare-free

I read with incredulity and disgust Alastair Dalton's report (21 May) that train fares are to rise by 1 per cent above inflation, currently 5.3 per cent.
I recently travelled to Brighton to speak to the annual conference of the Public and Commercial Services union. The standard class return ticket, booked online and in advance, cost £220. Furthermore, as Edinburgh Airport was closed that day because of volcanic ash, the 10:30am London train resembled those we see in the third world.
Dozens and dozens of passengers, young and elderly, were left crouching in the aisles. I was one of them. I reserved a seat, but gave it up to a young French woman and her infant who, having visited Edinburgh, were on their way home.
The speech I gave to the PCS conference the next day outlined the case for free public transport as the most effective way to combat the greenhouse gases emitted by motor vehicle exhausts.
The government's aim to pass the cost of running our railways on to passengers instead of matching the subsidies provided by all our European neighbours does nothing to persuade people to leave their cars at home.

National spokesman for the Scottish Socialist Party
Alloway Loan
Inch, Edinburgh
Letter to the editor Scotsman 

Monday, May 10, 2010

Free Public Transport Campaign grows in Germany

Der Slogan „Alle fahren mit“, den sich die VGF auf die Fahnen schreibt, ist nicht viel mehr als ein schlechter Witz: Jede Fahrpreiserhöhung macht die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel exklusiver, schließt Arbeitslose, Alleinerziehende, Wohnungslose, Menschen ohne Papiere, Rentner_innen etc. von Bewegungsfreiheit aus. Die Fahrt durch die Stadt ist nur mit relativ viel Geld zu erwerben. Wer Arbeit hat, kann sich den Trip zu diesem Hamsterrad vielleicht noch leisten. Wer nicht zu zahlen im Stande ist, fliegt raus oder geht für wiederholtes Fahren ohne Fahrschein in den Knast. Die Teilhabe am öffentlichen Leben wird ohne Geld zur Straftat.

Die Möglichkeiten, ohne Geld am gesellschaftlichen Leben teilzunehmen, sind auf ein Minimum reduziert, die Versuche der staatlichen Krisenrettung wird von Lohn und Sozialleistungen abgezogen. Repressalien und öffentliche Erniedrigungen gegen Hartz IV-Empfänger_innen nehmen zu, der Hartz IV-Satz reicht schon jetzt nicht zum Leben. indymedia

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Poland - Man beaten for not having ticket

...To już nie pierwszy raz, gdy pracownicy tej firmy biją pasażerów - mówią trójmiejscy działacze - W imię czego? Większych zysków przedsiębiorstwa czy rozładowania własnej frustracji niskimi zarobkami? Musimy w tej sytuacji zaprotestować i zaproponować swój pomysł. Młodym Socjalistom chodzi o to, aby prywatną firmę zastąpiła komunalna spółka i aby wpływy z mandatów trafiały do publicznej kasy, a nie prywatnej kieszeni właścicieli Renomy. W celu spopularyzowania swojego postulatu stworzyli stronę Jednym z głównych argumentów jest to, że transport publiczny i tak jest dotowany przez miasto, a wpływy z biletów to niewielki odsetek kosztów. Trzeba więc po prostu skończyć z fikcją, że dzięki biletom mamy tramwaje oraz autobusy, i podobnie jak w wielu miastach zachodnioeuropejskich i skandynawskich wprowadzić całkowicie bezpłatną komunikację miejską. To przyniesie korzyści zarówno dla mieszkańców, jak i dla środowiska naturalnego. Przeczytasz o tym na stronie Free Public Transport...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hungary - Socialists promise free public transport

The Socialists would introduce free public transport for long-term residents of Budapest by 2013, the party's candidate for mayor Csaba Horváth told a May Day function in the City Park on Saturday.

He said transport would be free to those who have been residents of the capital for at least four years and students living in the city.

The free public transport could be funded from parking fees, and the introduction of "green zones" that could generate Ft 50 billion in Budapest, he said.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Gratuidad del transporte público:todos ganan

Asimismo, hay que contar con los beneficios indirectos de este planteamiento: el municipio de Aubagne informa de que una familia podrá lograr un ahorro de hasta 2.000 euros anuales si  utiliza el transporte público gratuito. Otros ahorros son los derivados del mantenimiento de carreteras, accidentes de circulación y gastos sanitarios debidos a la disminución de la contaminación. ladyverd

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Luxembourg PM proposes free public transport

...Juncker said that previously announced unpopular reforms, such as the reduction of the school allowance, were to be dropped.

However, regarding the Index system, he called for a limit on the incremental salary increases to 3365 euros - twice the current minimum wage - and the introduction of free public transport to make up for any potential rises in fuel costs.... News352

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Le Ragioni Per Un Trasporto Pubblico Urbano Gratuito

di Matteo Richiardi

Cominciamo con due considerazioni. Primo. Nel 2006 il Gruppo Torinese Trasporti la società che gestisce il trasporto pubblico a Torino, ha incassato per vendita di biglietti 77,9 milioni di euro, a fronte di 445 milioni di costi operativi. L’Azienda Trasporti Milanesi ha incassato invece 266,4 contro 714,2 milioni di costi di produzione. In tutta Italia, la percentuale di copertura dei costi di produzione con ricavi tariffari supera di poco il 30%, contro una media europea di oltre il 50% (tabella 1).

Una cifra dunque piuttosto modesta, testimone della natura "politica" del prezzo dei biglietti, che copre solo parzialmente il costo di ogni passeggero che viaggia sui bus e sui tram cittadini. I ricavi risultano inoltre abbassati da chi non paga il biglietto (il problema che ha dato luogo alla felice definizione di free riding, anche noto come "fare i Portoghesi"), soprattutto nelle ore "marginali" (di sera, di notte...).

Secondo. Le scelte di mobilità sono caratterizzate, oltre che dai costi dell’utilizzo dei diversi mezzi di trasporto, da ingenti costi esterni, che ricadono non sull’utilizzatore ma sull’intera collettività, o su di una parte di essa. E’ il caso dei costi associati all’inquinamento atmosferico, all’inquinamento acustico, alla congestione, agli incidenti e ai costi sanitari connessi, ed infine all’emissione di gas serra, responsabili del surriscaldamento del pianeta. Da questo punto di vista il trasporto pubblico, caratterizzato da costi esterni molto inferiori a quelli di altre modalità di mobilità, in primis l’auto privata, non torna utile solo a chi lo utilizza, ma anche a chi non l’utilizza. E’ il motivo per cui si parla spesso della necessità di incrementare l’uso dei mezzi pubblici.

Da queste due considerazioni scaturisce un’idea: chi l’ha detto che il "modello europeo" di gestione dei trasporti pubblici sia il migliore, da un punto di vista sociale, soprattutto in una situazione come quella italiana? Perché non offrire il trasporto pubblico gratuitamente a tutti, abolendo tout court il biglietto, per favorire l’utilizzo di questa modalità? La riduzione di entrate sarebbe tutto sommata contenuta e l’utilizzo dei mezzi pubblici non potrebbe che crescere. Molte persone infatti potrebbero trovare conveniente "saltare" su di un bus anche solo per poche fermate… e questo potrebbe innescare un cambio di mentalità che sposti finalmente le preferenze degli individui verso una scelta di mobilità più sostenibile. Il bus come servizio che ci appartiene, come un mezzo su cui salire anche solo per una fermata, come una presenza utile nel quotidiano di tutti i cittadini, può attivare un circuito virtuoso: minore traffico, bus più pieni anche di sera, maggiore senso di sicurezza: insomma, un nuovo modo, più in sintonia non solo con l'ambiente ma anche con le altre persone, di vivere le città.

Due numeri a supporto di questa proposta, presi dal rapporto preparato dagli Amici della Terra per la Regione Piemonte, "I costi esterni dei trasporti nell’area metropolitana di Torino", del 2005 (

I costi esterni per passeggero-chilometro – misura che permette di tenere conto del fatto che un pullman inquina molto di più di un’automobile ma trasporta al contempo molte più persone, e che deve essere letta come i costi ambientali e sociali causati da un passeggero per ogni chilometro percorso – sono pari a 12,9 centesimi di euro per le automobili, di cui circa la metà dovuti a congestione e circa un altro quarto dovuto ad incidenti (tabella 2). Utilizzare il trasporto pubblico fa risparmiare quasi i tre quarti delle esternalità nel caso di autobus e pullman, e le riduce a meno di 1 cent nel caso del tram. Pesando per numero di passeggeri trasportati da tram e bus si ottiene un costo complessivo di appena 3,2 centesimi. Questi valori sono riferiti al 2004. Da allora sono probabilmente cresciuti un po’ per l’inflazione, e diminuiti un po’ per effetto del rinnovamento del parco circolante: veicoli più nuovi inquinano meno e producono meno gas serra, anche se le altre esternalità – congestione, rumore, incidenti – non cambiano significativamente. Li possiamo quindi considerare ancora sostanzialmente validi. I dati inoltre sono riferiti all’area metropolitana di Torino: possiamo ipotizzare che le esternalità dei trasporti in città più congestionate, come Roma o Milano, siano ancora più elevati.

Dal punto di vista sociale dunque, i circa 78 milioni di euro di ricavi da biglietti a Torino sono equivalenti ad uno spostamento di circa 800 milioni di passeggeri-chilometro dall’auto al trasporto pubblico, corrispondenti al 24.5% del totale dei passeggeri-chilometro trasportati dai mezzi collettivi. In altri termini, se eliminando i biglietti il numero di passeggeri aumenta di almeno il 25% - uno scenario realistico – la mossa conviene. Per "recuperare" i 266 milioni di ricavi tariffari di Milano ci vuole di più (2,7 miliardi di passeggeri-chilometro), ma anche il numero di passeggeri già trasportati dal TPL è maggiore (i dati disponibili sono riferiti ai posti-chilometro, ovvero all’offerta massima, e parlano di oltre 22,3 miliardi di posti-chilometro offerti nel 2005 dall’ATM).

Ovviamente i numeri sopra calcolati riguardano la componente di domanda addizionale di trasporto pubblico sostitutiva rispetto a quella di trasporto privato. Una parte dell’aumento di passeggeri potrebbe infatti essere dovuto ad un aumento di domanda di coloro che già prima non usavano l’auto, e questi "non contano", nel nostro calcolo. Inoltre, è possibile che l’aumento di domanda renda necessario il potenziamento del servizio, con un aggravio dei costi. Ma la convenienza (sociale) del trasporto pubblico sopra evidenziata non è certo calcolata stipando gli autobus all’inverosimile, e quindi l’obiezione, sotto questo aspetto, risulta non pregnante.

Il punto principale poi è un altro: la vera scommessa è indurre un cambio generalizzato di mentalità, e lo "stratagemma" di rendere gratuito il servizio pubblico può servire proprio a questo. I nostri calcoli servono a dimostrare che questo è possibile, e non troppo costoso.

Chi paga?

Il dibattito per l’abolizione delle tariffe per il trasporto pubblico cittadino è vivo in paesi come l’Australia

(, ma è quasi assente da noi. Le città che offrono il trasporto pubblico gratuito sono pochissime, e tipicamente di piccola dimensione (ad esempio il comune di Troia, in provincia di Foggia). Addirittura, la legge impone che le aziende del trasporto pubblico raggiungano almeno il 35% dei ricavi da bigliettazione.

Il perché di questa politica è semplice: i costi sociali della mobilità non li pagano le aziende dei trasporti pubblici, e – a ben guardare – nemmeno chi finanzia i disavanzi di bilancio strutturali di queste aziende: il sistema sanitario nazionale copre in buona misura i costi sanitari, nessuno per il momento paga per i danni futuri dell’effetto-serra, mentre i costi di congestione sono una tassa implicita su tutti i cittadini che si muovono, e gli incentivi per renderla esplicita sono politicamente molto bassi. E così l’ "autobus di Troia" – quello che potrebbe introdurre nelle abitudini delle persone il germe del cambiamento – è destinato a non partire mai ...

Ma come si potrebbero trovare i fondi per finanziare questa iniziativa? Il costo per rendere gratuito il trasporto pubblico in Italia sarebbe compreso tra 1 e 2 miliardi di euro. Per reperire questa somma si potrebbe pensare di destinare una parte del sovra-gettito derivante dall'aumento del prezzo dei carburanti, oppure a – livello locale – di aumentare il costo dei parcheggi, o destinare a questo sopo il ricavato di una tassa di ingresso per le auto ai centri cittadini (sull'esempio di quella di Londra e di quella recentemente introdotta a Milano) . Sarebbero due modi per far pagare alle auto il costo del bus, aumentando ulteriormente la convenienza del trasporto pubblico.

Matteo Richiardi

See original for tables

Monday, April 5, 2010

France - NPA advocates free public transport

C’est pourquoi nous proposons de :

-Nous opposer à la politique régionale de privatisation et de fermeture de lignes du réseau de transport public (par exemples la ligne entre Pfaffenhoffen et Haguenau),

-Développer massivement des transports en commun gratuits et publics, de proximité et de qualité, pour faire reculer l’usage imposé de la voiture individuelle,

-Promouvoir un aménagement sur tout le territoire pour rapprocher les habitations des lieux de travail et remettre en cause la flexibilité du travail qui contraint les travailleurs à utiliser leur voiture.

C’est possible et financièrement supportable ! Le coût de la gratuité peut être abondé en réduisant le budget affecté à l’automobile, la collectivité finançant l’entretien des rues, routes et autoroutes ; les entreprises doivent prendre en charge la totalité du financement des déplacements vers le lieu de travail. NPA - France

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Torrevieja, Spain - Proposal to expand free bus service

Their latest hardship relates to the Vega Bus, which residents of most urbanizations can use for free of charge to travel into the city centre and other areas of Torrevieja. However, those living in La Siesta and San Luis are told that they must pay 1.50 euros to make use of the service. Therefore, PSOE Councillor, Guadalupe Diaz, has pledged to put the item forward to the PP City Council, requesting a more regular, reliable and free service so that they too can enjoy the full benefit of the area. This is Torrevieja

Friday, March 19, 2010

Regardless of its name, the European Union is still disunited and irresponsible towards us and environment.

303888 15.03.2010
Subject: Petition Nr 1719/2009

Dear Mr. Dovečar

I would like to inform you that the Committee on Petitions has considered your petition and declared it admissible under the terms of the European Parliaments Rules of Procedure, given that the issues raised come within the sphere of activity of the European Union.
The Committee took note of your remarks on the cross-border nature of environmental matters, but it is not in a position to deal with the substance of your petition. Allow to use this opportunity to draw your attention to the fact that the Member States enjoy full competence for the regulation of the public transport.
Please note that consideration of your petition by the European Parliament has been concluded and the file is now closed.

Yours sincerely,

Erminia Mazzoni
Chairman of the
Committee on Petitions

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We've Got Enough Roads Already

-If all roads in Europe would be spread out, they would encircle the Earth's equator 100 times.

-That's so much asphalt that we could cover the entire territory of Switzerland with it.

-European roads claim the lives of 43.000 people every year, among them 1100 children.

-Every year, 1.3 million traffic accidents occur on European roads.

- In those accidents, every year 1.7 million people are injured.

-European roads are the cause of death for a half of all wild animals.

-EU car transport emissions of CO2 currently account for about 3,5% of total global CO2 emissions.

A car has really got to be something special for us to be ready to sacrifice so many people, destroy so much fertile soil, cut down so many forests, pollute the air and even finance all this. Something has got to be very wrong with us.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Free Public Transport in Southern Spain

Public transport between Almonte and El Rocio Matalascañas will remain free until 2011
The Town Hall in Almonte (Huelva) has just renewed the agreement with the company which serves the three neighboring villages of the municipality having the Consistory card enjoy free transportation to the service in 2011 connects Almonte, El Rocío and Huelva, from 06.45 to 22.00 pm in winter time and every two hours.
This is a municipal initiative that dates back four years and has achieved "very favorable public response, indicated from the Consistory, adding that the budget amounts to 175,000 euros. ...[Mayor Francisco Bella] also stressed the "serious bid" for public transport in the local community as it ensures "the movement between the three towns, reduces the environmental impact by lowering the use of private cars, it promotes economic trade and tourism and Above all, thousands of young people can move safely along a highway, the A-483, which gave serious problems in this area ".

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Response to my petition for free European public transit

Dear Sir,

On behalf of the Secretary-General, I am writing to you to acknowledge receipt of your petition forwarded by E-mail on 18.11.2009.

Your petition has been entered in the general register as Petition No. 1719-09 and I should be most grateful if you would use that reference number in my future correspondence.

Your petition has been forwarded to the Committee on Petitions which will, first of all, take a decision on its admissibility, i.e. on whether the subject of your petition falls within the sphere of activities of the European Union. If the committee declares it admissible, it will then examine the substance of your petition.

The committee on Petitions will write to you directly to inform you of its decision on admissibility.

If your petition is declared admissible, the aforementioned committee will examine it at a meeting open to the public in accordance with the provision of the European Parliaments internal Rules of Procedure.

May I draw your Attention to the fact that the procedure for the examination of a petition may be fairly lengthy, given the large number of petitions that we receive which have to be translated into all the official languages of the European Union and then examined by the Committee on Petitions.

Please address any further correspondence on this matter to the following address: Secretariat of the Committee on Petitions, European Parliament, rue Wiertz, B-1047 Brussels. Fax.: 0032/22846844.

Yours faithfully,

João Regalo Corrĕa

Head of Unit

Link for Submitting a petition;jsessionid=9C1749256118EC109358E15A3830F98A.node1?language=EN


Sunday, January 3, 2010

One by one - "alternative energies" show their downside

A $60 million project to extract renewable energy from the hot bedrock deep beneath Basel, Switzerland, was shut down permanently on Thursday after a government study determined that earthquakes generated by the project were likely to do millions of dollars in damage each year. NYTimes